Human Resource Solutions

Ask a Question Form

Notes on submitting your question:

  1. Please complete the form below. This is a free service however as per our usual conditions we can accept no liability for any errors or damages as a result of our answers given in good faith.
  2. Enter the image verification code - this is important to prevent us being overrun with spam! If the code is not clear just refresh your browser (press f5). Do this until you can clearly see the code, and before you complete the rest of the form as the form will clear once you refresh.
  3. Once the form is completed press the "submit question" button. One of our HR Consultants will look at your question as soon as possible.
  4. Your answer will normally be emailed to you within 24-48 hours.

Please enter the image verification code below.

Privacy Policy - We dont give your email address to anyone - end of story. We will send you e-mail updates if we add anything major to the web site - thats all we do with it. If you really hate the thought of that just don't complete that field.

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