Fifth Month Income Report – May 2011

OK month 5 has come and gone and we continue to develop the website with a view to generating an income of at least £1000 in the year 1st Jan to 31st Dec 2011. Last month (April) was a good month which saw the website’s income again increase to a daily average of £4.86 which was a significant improvement over the previous month of £4.38. For May we continued to blog and tweet with a view to driving traffic to the site. We also added some Google text ad units to the bottom of each web page to see if we could increase advert click thro. So what was the outcome? Here are the figures for May:

Earnings Pageviews Adsense Clicks
May 2010 £30.98 8313 98
May 2011 £201.96 24204 690
Change – May 2010 vs May 2011 +651% +291.16% +704.08%
Average daily income May 2011 £6.51
Ave per day required Jun-Dec 2011 to make £1000 (based on Google income) £1.84

The number of visitors to the website in May 2011 was: 13211 (10,675 in April 2011), of which 11508 (9117 in April 2011) were unique visitors (i.e. they had not previously visited in May 2011). This represents a 26.2% increase in visitor numbers over April 2011.

Incoming Links

Yahoo is showing 68 inlinks – up from 50 last month. Google is reporting 93 links – up from 39 last month. The domains don’t necessarily look particularly high quality but this is certainly a big increase in inlinks. Google pagerank remains at 2/10.

Affiliate income

Details in April from Amazon were:

Total Cilcks thro to Amazon Items ordered Total Earnings
101 4 £1.61

This is another fairly lowly performance this month – down by 20p from last month.

Key Points

  1. All in all May has been an excellent month!
  2. Earnings have increased again to a daily average in April of £6.51 from £4.86 last month
  3. Total visitor numbers have increased fairly dramatically by over 26%
  4. Amazon was again disappointing this month. Total income from sales so far from Amazon from January 2011 is: £9.08
  5. For reference the earnings so far for the first 5 months of the project are: Jan: £42.31, Feb: £81.15, March: £135.75, April: £145.76, May: £201.96
  6. Total website earning from 1st Jan to 31st May2011 stand at: £606.93 from Google ads and £9.08 from Amazon commission = £616.01
  7. The website now needs to maintain an average daily earnings (Google ads and Amazon) of £1.79 per day to achieve the target £1000 by 31st December 2011.

Part of the success this month seems to have been around increased visitor numbers and more inlinks. We also added another set of Google ads – text ad units to the bottom of each page. For June we will extend this to include a text ad unit across the centre of each page; we will also continue the push with social media and perhaps progress further article marketing to try to further improve inlinks.

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