Employment policies – what are the legal requirements?

We are a small company and have just grown to 12 members of staff. I have introduced a health and safety policy but am unsure of the legal requirements about other employment policies such as disciplinary and grievance. Please could you give me some advice? I have looked on the Government website, which is rather […]

Poor Performance: Our sales people can’t sell! How can we get rid of them..?

We are a small company employing only four sales people. Two of our sales people are badly under performing and having exhausted all avenues over the past six months to help them, they are still failing to meet sales targets. What process do we have to follow to dismiss them?

In these circumstances of poor […]

..she gets over friendly with customers…what can we do?

We have a member of staff who outside of work gets too friendly with customers either in person or on facebook. Outside of work however she drinks a lot and tends to make a fool of herself. I am worried this can contaminate the business relationship with clients, and wondered if we can restrict […]

Employing staff on a Contract for Services

My company employs teaching staff on a freelance/ self employed basis and pays them after they invoice us for work done.They work from our premises with our students . What kind of contractual information do I need to provide if any/ what other legal obligations are we under with regards to these staff?

As these […]

Do I need to allow a request for flexible working?

I have a member of staff who has requested the right to vary her start time because of child care arrangements which are dependant on her husband returning from night shift. She is effectively asking to be able to start anytime between 9am and 10.30am. We could just about accommodate this – we provide caring […]

Employee insurance and age discrimination

Our death in service life insurance policy ceases for a member of staff when he/she reaches the age of 65. Is this illegal age discrimination?

When they implemented the abolition of compulsory retirement, the UK Government recognised that this would potentially send insurance premiums through the roof, as insurance companies would insist on higher premiums […]

Employment Tribunal Fees: I hate my employer and want to take them to an Employment Tribunal – will it cost me anything?

I feel my employer has treated me badly in a number of respects. They have changed my hours, made me move to a new base and I feel I have lost out on a promotion because I am over 60. I have decided to take them to an Employment Tribunal but have heard there is […]